When a worker is injured in Kentucky and is unable to work, it is almost impossible to provide for a family or even take care of yourself. Fortunately, the government has a built-in system to help you if you qualify for their benefits. The first requirement stated by the Social Security Administration is that you have worked in a job that is covered by Social Security and the second is that you have a disability that prevents you from working.
Disability benefits are offered if you meet their requirements and can be collected until you are able to perform regular work again. The program also provides work incentives that provide health care coverage and continued benefits as you transition back to the working world after your accident or injury.
To be considered disabled, there are rules you must meet that are set by Social Security. This means that you must be unable to do work that you did before the injury or condition, it is determined that your medical condition prevents you from obtaining different work and your disability is expected to result in death or last more than a year.
If you can work and make more than $1,220 a month you fail to qualify for Social Security benefits. If you cannot work, the office then considers the medical condition you have and if it prevents you from working. The office has created a list of severe medical conditions for each part of the body although exceptions can be made as quick disability determinations or compassionate allowances.
Many people are unaware of the additional situations that individuals find themselves in that qualify for disability benefits. These include benefits for a disabled child, for those who are blind, those who are veterans or wounded warriors and widowers and widows of a worker.
This information is intended for educational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal advice.
— On behalf of Mark Knight Attorney at Law